====== Important FAQ ====== * Administration is secured by password, default is **admin**. * If you forgot your password, just use command: **rm /etc/dicaffeine/dauth.json** and reboot to restore the default one. * Running stream can be stopped by mouse **right-click**, keyboard key **ESC** and **q** or remotely via web access. * On Raspberry **only fresh and clean** instalations of Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) with desktop based on Debian Bookworm are supported! It's possible that Dicaffeine will not work correctly with other packages. * On ADM/Intel **only fresh and clean** instalations of Xubuntu (64-bit, 22.04) with desktop are supported! It's possible that Dicaffeine will not work correctly with other packages, just sayin. * The reason for the past two lines is because the Dicaffeine is using sound card/video grabbers/web interface which can be blocked by the other installed applications, also things with Xorg/Wayland transformation are not so easy to work with. * Current version is still **beta**, some functions could be missing and some won't work as expected. * Any **issues** can be reported at GitHub [[https://github.com/melnijir/Dicaffeine/issues|Dicaffeine page]]. ====== Another FAQ, not so important ====== * I can see screen tearing: * On Raspi3/4 use the cmd **raspi-config** tool and enable GL driver and disable compositor (advaced->GL Driver-G2 GL; advaced->compositor disable). Sometimes it helps. :) * On AMD/Intel with NVidia graphic card use the **nvidia-settings** GUI tool and in **Display Configuration->Advanced...** enable **Force Composition Pipeline**. * On Intel with integrated graphic card enable the **"TearFree"** option in the **xorg.conf** configuration file. * RTMP stream has **significant frame drops**: use Raspberry 400 or Raspberry 4 with a **good cooling** - CPU gets overheated very fast and the stream starts to drop frames as hardware encoder slows down. Also if streaming from webcam/usb grabber - **YUV video format helps a lot**. * What Raspberry I should use: do not use any older Raspi than 4/5. ====== Used software, very important ====== I am very grateful for many great projects I can freely use in the Dicaffeine. Here's the list: * NDI SDK - distributed by Newtek ([[https://ndi.tv/sdk|link]], [[ndi_license|licence]]) * Yuri 2.8 - the great framework for video/audio processing ([[https://github.com/v154c1/libyuri|link]], [[yuri_license|licence]]) * FFmpeg - cross-platform toolbox for video/audio converting and streaming ([[https://ffmpeg.org/|link]], [[ffmpeg_license|licence]]). * Pistache - C++ REST framework for every request ([[https://pistache.io|link]], [[pistache_license|licence]]) * JSON for Modern C++ - everyting you need for handling jsons by nlohmann ([[https://github.com/nlohmann/json|link]], [[jsoncpp_license|licence]]) * CLI11 - modern command line parser ([[https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11|link]], [[cli11_license|licence]])