Administration is secured by password, default is admin.
If you forgot your password, just use command: rm /etc/dicaffeine/dauth.json and reboot to restore the default one.
Running stream can be stopped by mouse right-click, keyboard key ESC and q or remotely via web access.
On Raspberry only fresh and clean instalations of Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) with desktop based on Debian Bookworm are supported! It's possible that Dicaffeine will not work correctly with other packages.
On ADM/Intel only fresh and clean instalations of Xubuntu (64-bit, 22.04) with desktop are supported! It's possible that Dicaffeine will not work correctly with other packages, just sayin.
The reason for the past two lines is because the Dicaffeine is using sound card/video grabbers/web interface which can be blocked by the other installed applications, also things with Xorg/Wayland transformation are not so easy to work with.
Current version is still beta, some functions could be missing and some won't work as expected.
On Raspi3/4 use the cmd raspi-config tool and enable GL driver and disable compositor (advaced→GL Driver-G2 GL; advaced→compositor disable). Sometimes it helps. :)
On AMD/Intel with NVidia graphic card use the nvidia-settings GUI tool and in Display Configuration→Advanced… enable Force Composition Pipeline.
On Intel with integrated graphic card enable the “TearFree” option in the xorg.conf configuration file.
RTMP stream has significant frame drops: use Raspberry 400 or Raspberry 4 with a good cooling - CPU gets overheated very fast and the stream starts to drop frames as hardware encoder slows down. Also if streaming from webcam/usb grabber - YUV video format helps a lot.
What Raspberry I should use: do not use any older Raspi than 4/5.
Used software, very important
I am very grateful for many great projects I can freely use in the Dicaffeine. Here's the list: